Post Tagged as ‘forgiveness’

Ash Wednesday – 2023

  • By Ralph Hough
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  • February 20, 2023

Promised Treasures:  This Lenten season, we have a fresh opportunity to embrace God’s amazing love for us, His baptized children, in new ways. St. Paul clearly says that “faith comes from hearing” (Romans 10:17), but the Gospel is also communicated through the physical senses of sight, smell, touch, and taste. Jesus mentions that a good teacher not only brings out new treasures but reminds people of old and rich treasures as well (see Matthew 13:52). So each Wednesday in Lent, we will take a weekly journey to concretely see, smell, touch, and taste a number of biblical elements. Our Lenten […]

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Reformation Services

  • By Ralph Hough
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  • October 17, 2017

We at Ascension are hoping you are having a tremendous fall (or at least as much of a fall as you can find in the deep south!) Our Church and Christian community is privileged to be a part of the 500th anniversary of the worldwide Reformation begun in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg church door.  And bringing the church back to the Bible alone to determine doctrine and life was what Martin Luther had in mind. The Gospel of Jesus Christ had been overlooked and sometimes non-existent for hundreds of years. The re-discovery that […]

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