What On Earth Am I Here For
That is a great question! Many people ask that question everyday and proceed to search high and low to find out the true meaning of life and our existence in the world today! Fortunately, God’s people know the answer to that lie in our relationship to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Purpose Driven Life book and campaign that Ascension will begin on September 19 will lead us on a 40-day journey of deepening our understanding of “What On Earth Am I Here For?” Sign up for small groups begins on August 15. Susan Dube has graciously offered to oversee the small groups. We hope that you will take the time to be in a group, and even invite a friend to join you. You never know who is asking, “What On Earth Am I Here For?” If you want to help offset the cost of the devotionals please earmark your donation “40 Day Campaign” Thank You! email P Ralph for more info… prchr44@gmail.com
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