2019 Return From Exile

This Mid-week Lenten series coincides with our teaching through the books Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah on Sunday mornings. God’s people, called by grace, are to remain faithful to God’s salvation and plan through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our weekly journey will remind us what God had planned for mankind from the beginning, and takes through recreating us in the image of His Son by returning us from exile in the land, as a result of our sin, to the prepared place for redeemed people to live with our Lord forever!
Ash Wednesday – March 6 (no dinner)
Mid-Weeks 2-5 dinner at 6pm
Services for each week incl. Ash Wednesday – 11am and 7pm
Ash Wednesday – Heart to Heart: Sack Cloth and Ashes to Robes of Righteousness March 13 – Mountain to Mountain: Mt. Moriah to Mt. Zion March 20 – Garden to Garden: Eden to Heaven March 27 – Out of Egypt: Through the Water April 3 – Tree to Tree: The Tree of Life to the Cross April 10 – Death to Resurrection: Wilderness to Promised Land Holy Week Maundy Thursday – Meal to Meal: Passover to Lord’s Supper Good Friday – The Day of Atonement to the Atonement Easter Sunday – Welcome Home! |