Come join us Thanksgiving Eve as we turn to the One who provides all the blessings of life, peace and hope! When we remember all that God has done for us our level of gratitude rises in thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus! Service begins at 7 pm!
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The Mountain of Restoration – The prophet Isaiah had much Good News about God’s plan of salvation. In his book there are many ‘mountain’ themes from which this Advent series comes. The Moutain of Restoration can be seen in the birth of our Lord Jesus who being God, became man so that could be restored back to a right relationship to God. As the angels proclaim and the shepherds follow and find this baby in a manger, there faith led them to proclaim the Good News to all. “Go out with Joy and be led forth in peace… the mountains […]
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Greetings all in the matchless name of Jesus our Savior! Just a few more days until the celebration of our Lord’s birth. This is an update on the Christmas Eve services. We are doing two services: 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm with a limit of fifty (50) per service. The 4:30 is full as of today. The 6:30 pm service still has room. If you are coming but haven’t signed up yet there is still time and space for the later service. Christmas Day service w/communion is at 10 am. Not knowing if people will come without signing up, we will […]
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Lutheran Women in Mission or better known – Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) is registering volunteers and participants for the next biennial convention being held in Mobile, Alabama on June 20-23. Volunteers are needed for June 19 through the convention ending on Jun 23. God to this website: www.Gulfstatesdistrict and look for volunteer sign up. If you plan on attending convention (and it would be a wise thing to do since we are so close) sign up for volunteer work first, then you will be sent a code that will be needed for registering for convention and it will […]
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TEMPORARYLY SUSPENDED… Currently revamping our contemporary service. If you are a musician and are interested in Christian music as a way of spreading God’s grace in Jesus please contact Pastor Ralph – Thanks
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